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If This Blog Were Cock...
Jim Sweeney Would Have a Lifetime Subscription
Sunday, April 8, 2007
If chocolate bunnies were chocolate cocks
Jim Sweeney would've been solely responsible for how they got that way.
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If landlords were cocklords
If Imus in the Morning was I Must Have Cock in the...
If the Spirit of Truth was the Spirit of Cock
If War and Peace had been titled Cock and Balls
If Sam Malone's legendary bar, Cheers, had been na...
If patios were cocks
If ruby slippers were ruby cocks
If credit reports were cock reports
If calculus was cockulus
If bags of weed were bags of cock
If smoking weed was smoking cock
If nephews were cocks
If D.A.R.E. was C.O.C.K.
If McDonald's was CockDonald's
If the 1976 New York Marathon had been a Cockathon
If intoxication was incocksitation
If nocturnal predators were cockturnal predators
If baby birds ate cocks instead of worms
What's the difference between Jim Sweeney and Jenn...
If Jim Sweeney was the star of Flavor Flav's hit r...
If cognitive was cocknitive
If brain surgery was cock surgery
If dying for our sins was dying for our cocks
If chocolate bunnies were chocolate cocks
If the Passion of the Christ was the Passion of th...
If Peeps were Pee-pees
If our sins were our cocks
If marshmallow baby chicks were marshmallow baby d...
If the Shroud of Turin was the Cock of Turin
If painting eggs was painting cocks
If the resurrection was a giant erection
If the Easter Bunny was the Cock Bunny
A special Easter treat for Jim Sweeney
If the Hundred Acre Wood was a tall thick-trunked ...
If US attorneys were US cocktorneys
Deep Reflections with Jim Sweeney
If espaƱol was cockspaƱol
If baby food was baby cocks
If Creedence Clearwater Revival was Creedence Cock...
If washer capacity was cock capacity
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